MM Plays 47 – Consequences & Damage

Does your game have consequences or damage, or both? Does it affect how you GM and Play the game? How does it affect the flow of the game itself? We examine those questions and more on this episode of Misdirected Mark Plays.

MM Plays 41 – One Shot Best Practices

We’re talking about our best one shot tips today for both GMs and Players. So if you’ve ever felt neglected as a player in all this podcasting these are the shows you should tune in for. We love talking about how to get more out of games at the table as a player. We also love helping you folks as GMs play your best games your way. Take what you think works best from what we’re saying and make it your own.

MM Plays 34 – Prep vs Play

Have you ever thought that about your game?

I’ve prepped this game but after the session my prep was only sort of used.

We do…a lot. Today we get inside this idea, talking a lot about how to get the most out of these situations and why they might even be a benefit to you.

MM Plays 30 – Story Jumping

What do you do when the players make a choice that jumps ahead of what you were planning on and either skips everything you had prepared or moves towards the end of a story by passing many other story beats along the way. We call this Story Jumping and we’re discussing it on todays Misdirected Mark Podcast.

GNOMECAST #170 – Session 0 Redux

Session 0. We’re doing it again. Why? Because it’s important. Why is it important? Because it helps groups understand who the characters they’re playing are, why the characters are doing what they’re doing, places them firmly into the campaign and setting of the game, and give all the players at the table a bunch of information so they can have a easier time creating that shared vision of play at the table. For expanded upon information like this check out the actual podcast.