We have a 20 year gaming group anniversary to celebrate and Ang does it with her crew by recording a Gnomecast. They talk about how they’ve kept this group going for 20 years, the changes, and challenges they’ve delt with, and some pretty good stories about characters and campaigns they’ve played together.
Category: Podcasts
PTG 331 – Recall, Improv, and Anxiety Part II
No cliffhangers today! Phil and Senda talk about the second part of the question regarding GM brain and anxiety — some common GM anxieties and ideas about how to address them (besides just the old MORE
MM Plays 36 – A Magical Night Part 2 (CotS AP)
It’s part 2 of A Magical Night. The crew of Gunny, Silas, and Ti are getting ready for PROM. They’re also getting ready for the post prom ritual, or at least to stop the Wyrm Cult, get Meseme’s essence back, and reconstitute her, hopefully, if they don’t mess it up.
Things heat up in this one with people pairing off for prom, Lisa causing some amount of grief, Ti looking for love in maybe the right places, and Gunny trying to get inside the Wyrm clan. There might even be a promposal.
Thac0 with Advantage 29. Future Campaign Ideas
Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is encouraging me to buy more dice.
Do you think about your next campaign while running your current one? Do you have a google drive document or folder filled with campaign ideas you’d love to get to the table but just will never have the time for? Is your brain just soup and mush full of campaign ideas floating around just waiting to bubble to the surface? Jared and Ang have all of these things happening to them. Join them to hear how they sort it all out and while your at it, let us know what campaigns ideas you have that you just haven’t gotten to the table yet.
OtC. Footprint at the Table
Since we lost a recording and had to rerecord we got a little off schedule and didn’t have an episode for this week. Instead of not releasing anything here’s an off the cuff about your MORE
BXP 6×12 – Monica and Rai Talk
Rai returns for a finale. We sort of talk about games, but mostly we just talk.
Gnomecast#173 – Welcome Back Walt
The gnomes are happy to welcome back Walt to the gnome tree. Walt is one of the original gnomes and an RPG game designer with more writing credits than he can remember. From Cubicle 7s Victoriana to Green Ronin’s days of DC adventures. Check out this conversation that’s nostalgia, interesting, and informative.
PTG 330 – Recall, Improv, and Anxiety, Part I
Show us how you can use improv at the table to alleviate your recall anxiety! Phil and Senda talk improv and GM anxiety at the table, with a helping of other resources for practicing improv MORE
MM Plays 35 – A Magical Night Part 1 (CotS AP)
Welcome to story 4, A Magical Night. The crew of Gunny, Silas, and Ti are getting ready for PROM. They’re also getting ready for the post prom ritual, or at least to stop the Wyrm Cult, get Meseme’s essence back, and reconstitute her, hopefully, if they don’t mess it up.
Thac0 with Advantage 28. To All The Campaigns We’ve Run Before
Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is encouraging me to buy more dice.
Ah, the Campaign. They start. They proceed. Most fizzle into the nothingness of the astral sea like dead gods floating amongst the crystal sphere’s. But some. Those few. Reach their glorious conclusions, providing that closure and finish we all so enjoy and greatly desire. Ang and Jared talk about all that today and more when it comes to D&D campaigns.