TwA 21. Campaign Parameters

THAC0 With Advantage Podcast Logo

Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is the metaphoric pizza topping we both agree on.

No you can’t play the bunny boy from Final Fantasy XIV in my Curse of Strahd game. That sentence says it all. We’re talking about campaign constraints. We share some of our tools surrounding the topic so you can better collaborate with your game group so everyone gets the experience they want out of the campaign.

Fun Factoid

In AD&D 2nd Edition, there were several series of books that had leatherette covers. The dark red books were player facing books, the dark blue books were DM facing books, and the black covers were campaign setting specific expansions. There was also a green series of books, the Historical Reference series, that adapted AD&D for running games in a fantasy version of Earth in different eras. HR1, the Vikings Campaign Sourcebook, informed the DM that you couldn’t be a Viking and be a Ranger, but Rangers might come from Finland. I had a friend in High School that was an exchange student from Finland, and he did indeed confirm that between learning to play guitar and going to school for nuclear physics, he was, indeed, a Ranger.