MMP#492 – Sticking the Landing

How a campaign ends will have an effect on how the players and GM feel about the campaign overall. If it ends well, there will be good feelings and often the story everyone created will be discussed by the group for years. If it ends poorly, it can lead to dissatisfaction with the game and gaming in general.
On this episode we discuss getting your campaign to an ending everyone is happy with and how to achieve them.

BXP 05×12 – Character Development (feat. Terry Robinson)

This is the final episode of Season Five. Terry joins Monica again with the second half of their very long conversation about experiences with gaming and new people. 

Today we talk about character development in RPGs: what that means, what people want when they say they’re into it, and how games do and don’t support character growth over time. It’s a very interesting discussion and a perfect send-off for our fifth season. 

BXP 05×11 – Mage, Exalted, and D&D (feat. Terry Robinson)

Terry (of Mage: the Podcast) joins Monica to talk about the wild experience of teaching Mage to new people and Monica commiserates about her experiences with teaching Exalted to beginners. We discuss the interesting cultural baggage that comes with most folks pop understanding of the hobby and what it’s like to show folks new games.

BXP 05×10-Games Without Randomizers feat. Chazz

Here’s the long-awaited new episode. Chazz of Pain in the Dice, OPPCast and Systematic Understanding of Everything joins Monica to discuss games without randomizers. No cards. No dice. No coin flips – just a variety of narrative resolutions. We break down what we like about these games and what makes them work and (most importantly) what’s worth stealing for your own homebrew.