Gnomecast #141 – Rival Parties
Join Ang, Jared, and Tomas (again!) for a discussion about ways to handle running a group of characters to rival your game’s PCs or even running two separate PC groups! Can these gnomes deal well MORE
Join Ang, Jared, and Tomas (again!) for a discussion about ways to handle running a group of characters to rival your game’s PCs or even running two separate PC groups! Can these gnomes deal well MORE
Summary: No Misdirected Mark live show this week, this week’s new episodes. No Misdirected Mark Podcast Live Show This Week There will be no live show on Tuesday, May 24. Phil, Jerry, and Bob will MORE
The following is an apology from Chris Sniezak, in relation to the investigation from 2020. You can read more about the investigation here:, or find the GEM leadership apology here: Anyone can apologize MORE
Wildspace gets wilder! Shawn and Teos tackle the classic Spelljammer adventure Wildspace and talk about the good, the bad, and oh so much weird. Breaking News Links Get Acquisitions Inc and Lost Mine of Phandelver MORE
In today’s episode, Monica and Rai sit down to discuss the concept of the hard bargain – a social refusal mechanic that can improve any game. We talk about what they are, how to use them, and how to implement them in your homebrew or professional design.
Phil, Bob, and Jerry welcome game designer and head of Gauntlet Publishing Jason Cordova to discuss tips and techniques for running mysteries in games and in particular to examine the design of Jason’s cozy murder MORE
CONTENT WARNING: This episode is specifically a discussion of your ongoing game when one of your players has passed away. For tips on rearranging groups or when a player leaves, check out Episode 41 (Missing MORE
Summary: No Misdirected Mark live shows for the next two weeks, this week’s new episodes. No Misdirected Mark Podcast Live Shows For Two Weeks There will be no live shows on Tuesday, May 17 and MORE
Space, the Final Frontier… Again. Once more unto the breach, Shawn and Teos break down the classic Spelljammer Adventure, Wildspace, the first adventure published for the original Spelljammer boxed set! Get ready for a wonky MORE
Join Ang, Jared, and Tomas for a discussion about their experiences and opinions of different settings for Dungeons & Dragons through the years. Can these gnomes live in enough different worlds to keep them out MORE