BXP 6×10 – Monica and Alex Break Down Setting Design Using Video Games

Today I’m joined by friend and colleague Alex Guerrero to discuss how video games utilize narrative and setting design to create a sense of wonder and mystery – and how you can bring that to the table in your own tabletop RPGs!

TwA 22. Is There Room For New Classes?

Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is the adorable critter that followed us home.

So many classes. So many sub classes. Do we need more from WotC’s 2024 DnD or are we good with what we have? That’s the question Ang and Jared ponder on this weeks Thac0 with Advantage. You’re all around fun times D&D Podcast.

MM Plays 22 – Intercharacter Conflict

Sometimes you just want to have that argument with another character. You don’t agree with their motives, ideas, how they looked at you. Whatever the reason you just want to have that fight. It’s not full on PvP but it’s a conflict. So we’re talking about the tools and tips you can use to have these moments at your table without it blowing up your game.