MM Plays 30 – Story Jumping

What do you do when the players make a choice that jumps ahead of what you were planning on and either skips everything you had prepared or moves towards the end of a story by passing many other story beats along the way. We call this Story Jumping and we’re discussing it on todays Misdirected Mark Podcast.

GNOMECAST #170 – Session 0 Redux

Session 0. We’re doing it again. Why? Because it’s important. Why is it important? Because it helps groups understand who the characters they’re playing are, why the characters are doing what they’re doing, places them firmly into the campaign and setting of the game, and give all the players at the table a bunch of information so they can have a easier time creating that shared vision of play at the table. For expanded upon information like this check out the actual podcast.

MM Plays 29 – Smarty Pants Part Seven (CotS AP)

We join the Children of the Shroud as they break into a house. I guess we’re gonna be criminals but I suppose we do have probable cause to check out this place. After all, Meseme’s essence has been detected within the apartment. So check out the twists and turns on this weeks Children of the Shroud.

Thac0 with Advantage 25. Running Urban Campaigns

Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is . . . the old neighborhood where we always love visiting and seeing what’s changed.

The city streets are dark and filled with cut throats and pick pockets. Is that man just selling odd tinctures or is he a dragon in disguise. Can you trust your “friend” with the tip you got about the mayor’s husband? All this is to say there are plenty of adventures to be had in the cities of your D&D worlds, be they old or new. Tune in that dial and hear Ang and Jared regale you with the ways your cities can smack your adventuring parties right in the face with adventure.

GNOMECAST #169 – Plot Seeds

Not every seed that’s planted in the ground grows which is why you need to get some fertile soil, space your seeds in the soil properly, water them as needed, and monitor those seeds as they begin to spout and grow.

Same thing applies to Plot Seeds but instead of trowels, watering cans, and enriched soil we bring a different set of tools and ideas to the game table. Characters, places, items, and events. So take a journey though Ang, Chris, and Jared’s metaphorical garden and get into how they use plot seeds in games.