As the exploration of 10 years of Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons continues, Shawn and Teos explore character creation: how has it changed, what’s better, and what’s not as good? Breaking News Links New D&D MORE
Category: Podcasts
GNOMECAST #146 – Media Influence
Today we are going to talk about the D&D movie trailer and how media influences our games!
MMP#483 – Adversary Files: The Untouchable
Many RPGs pit the heroes against an adversary they can defeat by brute force or direct confrontation. However, fiction is full of enemies that are above the law or behind too many layers of protection. MORE
BXP 05×09-So, You’re Playing D&D for the First Time…
Monica overheard a conversation about someone being nervous to play D&D for the first time and their worries about how to be a good player, so here’s today’s episode. Rai and Monica hang out to discuss what sort of things are good to keep in mind when you’re a player for the first time – no matter what game you’re playing.
Mastering Dungeons – Fifth Edition Revisited, Pt. 3
10 years after the release of the Basic Set of Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons, one of the biggest conversations fans are having revolves around character Race/Ancestry. This is part of Shawn and Teos’ discussion MORE
Why MMP likes RRR
There’s an excellent action flick on Netflix called RRR. We all watched it and wanted to tell you why we liked it so much. This is normally after show content but we’re on vacation this MORE
Mastering Dungeons – Fifth Edition Revisited, Pt. 2
Continuing the conversation about the Fifth Edition of Dungeons & Dragons by talking about where it’s been and where it might be going! Breaking News Links New UA Release – Wonders of the Multiverse D&D MORE
PTG285 – Too Clever: The Warning Signs
How do you know when you’re being too clever? There’s no perfect way to know, but we’re going to talk through some things to consider! NOTE! We will be taking another week off next week MORE
MMP#482 – Visual Media in RPGs
Did you know we have far more neurons dedicated to visual processing than audio processing? It got us thinking. How do we use visuals to help us at the game table? What kind of visuals MORE
Mastering Dungeons – Dave Christ as Baldman Games!
Dave Christ joins Shawn to talk Organized Play; both in-person and virtual! The origin of Baldman Games, the challengers of adjusting to a changing paradigm, and what is to come; Dave goes into all of MORE