Today we talk about Layers in gaming on our lead up to episode 500. It’s another of our favorite episodes of all time redone for you. I mean who doesn’t like cake. Follow and Support MORE
Category: Podcasts
GNOMECAST #156 – Games in 2023
Welcome to the Gnomecast. This week it’s about those games we want to get to the table in 2023. So give it a listen and maybe you’ll be inspired to run a game you’ve never MORE
PTG 299 – Whose NPC Is It Anyway?
Show us how you manage sharing playing NPCs at your table! Phil and Senda talk about how to draw boundaries when there’s spillage between NPCs you want/don’t mind sharing with your player and NPCs you MORE
MMP#498 – Clocks and Fronts
Countdown Clock – An in-game timer that is tracking time passing towards some event, often represented by a circle with some number of ticks or wedges. Players may be aware of this clock or not. MORE
THAC0 with Advantage. Treasure and Rewards
It’s a pile of gold with gems, three swords, a suit of armor, a small cask, 27 gold ingots, a statue of a dragon with a series of gems embedded in it, there’s also a bunch of silver, and a lot of copper on the bottom. Oh, don’t forget to grab that gossamer sheet that looks like it was made out of fairy wings. Hey what’s this? Nope. Put it all back. Treasure is tainted. It’s got Electrum pieces in it.
All jokes aside. this episode is all about treasure and rewards. So let’s grab our dice and begin our adventure with Jared and Ang.
PTG 298 – Rules on the House
We’re back from holiday hiatus! Phil and Senda attempt to remember how to do that thing we do weekly, and then take a deep dive on request into a conversation about house rules — the MORE
MMP#497 – Arc of the Misdirected
Storytelling is a pivotal part of tabletop RPGs that we all believe doesn’t get enough love. To help alleviate that issue we talk about story arcs in this episode, what they are, and some ideas MORE
MMP Off the Cuff – Picking New Games
How do you pick new games? We get into that topic with a few asides. Join us for this divergent and all encompassing conversation about picking new games. Follow and Support Misdirected Mark Productions Patreon MORE
THAC0 with Advantage. Cleric, Species, and a CHANGE LOG!!!
We’re back with a hefty episode about the One D&D Playtest. Ang and Jared dive into the cleric changes and some new designs surrounding the Ardling and Goliath. That’s right. You can play anthropomorphic animals or a variety of giant types. Also. They included a change log. Thank the gods.
MMP Off the Cuff – Trust and Cheating
Do you trust your players? Do you trust your GM? We explore that idea in this edition of off the cuff. Follow and Support Misdirected Mark Productions Patreon Misdirected Mark Productions Twitter Misdirected Mark Productions MORE