Do the gods in your campaign look down upon the game board of the world, moving their followers into and out of conflict like the Olympians in Clash of the Titans? Do your characters lament that, or embrace it? Was your character called to service, or did they join the clergy on their own? We’re going to explore the divine and how it informs your D&D character.
Category: Podcasts
PTG 341 – Less Than Enthused
Show us how you run a game when you are less than enthusiastic about it…maybe? Phil and Senda talk running games as a gift or favor for folks (when you are not a professional GM), how to get onboard or find a way to be onboard, and when it’s maybe not worth it.
Gnomecast #182 – Video Games to RPGs
Ang, Jared and Josh get together and talk about what we can take from video games and apply to the RPGs we bring to the table. Links: Jared’s Marvel Multiverse RPG Extended Objectives Play MORE
Thac0 with Advantage 37. Arcane Magic and your Character
Arcane magic can reign down destruction, create something from nothing, and bend the rules of the multiverse. But how often do you think about the means by which your character harnessed that power? Do you believe in a grand theory of magic, or is magic a mystery even to you? We’re going to look at how to work more magical roleplaying details into your arcane caster player character.
MM Plays 48 – A Magical Night Part 8 (CotS AP)
It’s part 8 of A Magical Night. Time for the epilogue of A Magical Night. This episode uses sound and music clips licensed from Envato and Stephen Arnold Music Play in new window | MORE
PTG 340 – Giving Your Setting LIFE
Show us how you breathe life into your setting at the table! How do you make a setting feel alive, engaging, and evocative? Phil and Senda discuss in this off the cuff episode.
Gnomecast #181 – Bridgett Jeffries, Community Coordinator
Ang welcomes Bridgett Jeffries, Chaosium Community Coordinator to the Stew, where they talk about what that role means to the modern gaming community. Also, horror games and how our tastes change! Links Play in MORE
Thac0 with Advantage 36. Where we are. Recapping Sessions
No matter how long it is between our game sessions, its easy to lose track of what was going on the last time you played. Even though we want to get caught up, no one wants to wait 15 minutes for the GM to read the previous session into the record. We’re going to look at the best way to balance recapping your last session with having enough momentum to hit the ground running.
PTG 339 – Challenging Challenges
Show us how you make an encounter (in whatever context) challenging without being *too* challenging! Phil and Senda talk GM knowledge vs. NPC knowledge, planning challenges and encounters, and not nerfing your players special powers on the reg.
PTG 338 – Introducing Settings
Show us how you introduce a new setting to players! Phil and Senda talk setting considerations, ways to do setting introductions without turning on the firehose, and recommendations for getting folks up to speed quickly.