Weekly Misdirected Mark Productions News – January 14, 2024

Summary: This week’s new episodes.

Show Recaps

Here are summaries of new episodes from Misdirected Mark Productions this past week:

MMPlays 46 – A Magical Night Part 7 (CotS AP)It’s part 7 of A Magical Night. The crew of Gunny, Silas, and Ti are back in the back rooms and things are reaching their climax with Kurt, Meseme, and Urlis. Will Meseme be reconstituted? Will Kurt get what’s coming to him? Will Urlis get her revenge? Tune in and potentially learn the answers to these questions and more on Children of the Shroud.

Panda’s Talking Games 337 – New Years Aspirations
Show us your gaming plans for 2024! We’re taking the gentle on ramp after our holiday and talking about some of our aspirations for the new year, both gaming and personally. What are some of your gaming aspirations?

THAC0 with Advantage 35. Dungeons & Dragons 2023 Retrospective
Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is a phoenix that just keeps rising from the ashes.

Last year was a roller coaster ride for all things Dungeons & Dragons. The year started with breaking a 23 year old promise with the OGL, a reversal that saw the 5e SRD added to creative commons, the release of the Dungeons & Dragons movie, the excitement of the 2024 anniversary year plans, and the sudden, sobering stop of the December layoffs from Hasbro. We take a look at this tumultuous year and what it means for the game and the brand.

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