THAC0 with Advantage. Live, Die, Repeat

Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D likes to make us drop everything else in the hobby for the last month when we aren’t even playing.

Have you ever died in a D&D game? No. Not you. Your character. That’s part of what Ang and Jared are talking about on this episode along with healing, resurrection, reincarnation, and everything to do with death and healing in DnD.

Fun Factoid

The first rules that let people survive after they dropped to 0 hit points appeared in the AD&D 1st Edition DMG. If you were at -3 hit points or less, you were still alive, but you kept losing hit points until you hit -10 and died. If you reached -6 or lower, the DM could just decide to maim your character. Plus, your character was incapacitated for a week without being able to get back any hit points. Best case scenario, one of your buddies carries your body out of the dungeon. Worst-case scenario, your friends just watched Weekend at Bernie’s and decide to bring you into that encounter with the local Mind Flayer.