Thac0 with Advantage 36. Where we are. Recapping Sessions

Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is the bag of snacks at the back of the shelf that you thought you already ate.

No matter how long it is between our game sessions, its easy to lose track of what was going on the last time you played. Even though we want to get caught up, no one wants to wait 15 minutes for the GM to read the previous session into the record. We’re going to look at the best way to balance recapping your last session  with having enough momentum to hit the ground running.

Fun Factoid

The displacer beast is one of the most iconic of D&D monsters, and even appeared in Honor Among Thieves, looking damn cool. The displacer beast isn’t in the 5e SRD, meaning that D&D products not made by WotC can’t use them. Ironically, the displacer beast was inspired by Coeurl, an alien hunting cat with tentacles on its shoulders, that appears in A.E. Von Vogt’s story “Black Destroyer,” in July of 1939. Couerl tracked down the crew of a spaceship one by one, killing them, until it gets tricked into going into an escape pod where it gets shot into space. So the displacer beast came from the same inspiration as the xenomorphs from Aliens. But displacer beast kittens are still cuter than facehuggers.