MM Plays 34 – Prep vs Play

Have you ever thought that about your game?

I’ve prepped this game but after the session my prep was only sort of used.

We do…a lot. Today we get inside this idea, talking a lot about how to get the most out of these situations and why they might even be a benefit to you.

MM Plays 30 – Story Jumping

What do you do when the players make a choice that jumps ahead of what you were planning on and either skips everything you had prepared or moves towards the end of a story by passing many other story beats along the way. We call this Story Jumping and we’re discussing it on todays Misdirected Mark Podcast.

GNOMECAST #169 – Plot Seeds

Not every seed that’s planted in the ground grows which is why you need to get some fertile soil, space your seeds in the soil properly, water them as needed, and monitor those seeds as they begin to spout and grow.

Same thing applies to Plot Seeds but instead of trowels, watering cans, and enriched soil we bring a different set of tools and ideas to the game table. Characters, places, items, and events. So take a journey though Ang, Chris, and Jared’s metaphorical garden and get into how they use plot seeds in games.