Phil and Senda are having a busy *life* moment, so for your listening pleasure we bring you this chit chat! The chit chat is not our normal format of show, for which we’d recommend going MORE
PTG 334 – I’m Bleeding Here!
Show us how you….okay. Hang on a sec. [The screech of a soap box being dragged out from a closet] Real talk. There’s a lot of discourse currently occurring about bleed on a number of MORE
BXP 06×02 – Jax Teaches Monica All About Larp
Today Monica invites her friend, Jacqueline Bryk, to join her and discuss something she considers a blank spot in her traditional game literacy: LARP. We discuss what makes a LARP, and general LARP design principles as Jax gives a detailed 101 crash course. We also kick around designing our own together, for a bit.