MMP#493 – The Metagame
Something a little different today. We had a week off so in this episode you get an MMP off the Cuff about metagaming and then Chris gives his first ever campaign conversation about his Spelljammer MORE
Something a little different today. We had a week off so in this episode you get an MMP off the Cuff about metagaming and then Chris gives his first ever campaign conversation about his Spelljammer MORE
Summary: This week’s new episodes. Show Recaps Here are summaries of new episodes from Misdirected Mark Productions this past week: Mastering Dungeons – GameHoleConShawn and Teos’ live Mastering Dungeons seminar from GameHoleCon! News! Questions! Clapping! Smells! MORE
Shawn and Teos’ live Mastering Dungeons seminar from GameHoleCon! News! Questions! Clapping! Smells! This one has it all! Breaking News Links Wes Schneider Reveals Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Ray Winninger confirms he has MORE
Show us how you manage conflict, bad behavior, and close relationships at the table! Phil and Senda chat about what to do when a family member (or other close trusted person) is the problem at MORE
Published Adventures? We’re talking about Published Adventures? You just open them, read them, and run them, right? But there’s a little more to it than that, which Ang and Chris get into on this episode of the Gnomecast,
How a campaign ends will have an effect on how the players and GM feel about the campaign overall. If it ends well, there will be good feelings and often the story everyone created will be discussed by the group for years. If it ends poorly, it can lead to dissatisfaction with the game and gaming in general.
On this episode we discuss getting your campaign to an ending everyone is happy with and how to achieve them.
Summary: This week’s new episodes. Show Recaps Here are summaries of new episodes from Misdirected Mark Productions this past week: Mastering Dungeons – Fifth Edition Revisited, Pt. 12Moving through the Unearthed Arcana that is One D&D, MORE
Moving through the Unearthed Arcana that is OneD&D, Shawn and Teos talk about the future of Feats, while it occurs to the editor that he has twice made the joke around ‘Feats, don’t fail me MORE
Show us how you handle game ending or ruining decisions aat your table! Phil and Senda chat about when a game goes completely sideways and how to realign yours and your players’ expectations and understanding MORE
Today we’re going to start looking at the latest One D&D Playtest Unearthed Arcana, for Expert Classes. We’re not going to be done with this in one episode, so today, we’ll start with the updates to the Rules Glossary and feats, and in a later show, we’ll start looking at the classes.