BXP 6×09 Monica and D Evaluate Rules Exceptions

D is back in the studio with me today to deliver on our promise to discuss exceptions-based rules design. We talk about Exalted: Essence an awful lot, but also talk about Malifaux, Chronicles of Darkness, and some upcoming games. We talk about good examples of how to build strong exceptions and an equal number of bad ones, and point out games that don’t do this at all. 

TwA 21. Campaign Parameters

Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D is the metaphoric pizza topping we both agree on.

No you can’t play the bunny boy from Final Fantasy XIV in my Curse of Strahd game. That sentence says it all. We’re talking about campaign constraints. We share some of our tools surrounding the topic so you can better collaborate with your game group so everyone gets the experience they want out of the campaign.

BXP 6×08 Monica and Hiromi Demystify Accessibility

Today Monica sits down with friend and colleague Hiromi Cota to discuss how you can improve the accessibility of your tabletop RPG. We talk about making things accessible to folks with physical issues, but mental ones as well. We also talk about math a lot.