MMP#388 – Finishing Like A Boss
Phil and Bob welcome guest host Jerry to discuss the ins and outs of ending your RPG campaigns. Enjoy, let us know how you handle your campaign endings on The Misdirected Mark Forums, and join us MORE
Phil and Bob welcome guest host Jerry to discuss the ins and outs of ending your RPG campaigns. Enjoy, let us know how you handle your campaign endings on The Misdirected Mark Forums, and join us MORE
In today’s episode, Monica sits down with James Mendez Hodes (game designer, developer, friend of the show, and author of this excellent blog) to talk about avoiding orientalism and outright racist language in your martial arts MORE
Show us how youuuuuuu do a grab bag or the B show! Phil and Senda talk players who don’t show up, props, and inspiration. Also, movies with bad rotten tomato reviews, Axe body spray, Aliens, MORE
Interrupted shows resume; get Never Unprepared in audiobook form; dicebag giveaway on the Misdirected Mark Forums. Misdirected Mark, Down with D&D, and The FM Gamers are Back After the previous week’s interrupted schedule, the three affected shows MORE
Join Jared and special guest Kimi Hughes of Golden Lasso Games for a discussion about Kimi’s new game Decuma, on Kickstarter now! Check out Decuma, crowdfunding on Kickstarter through March 3rd, 2020. Follow Kimi at @GoldenLassoGirl MORE
Shawn and Teos talk about the history and current state of D&D Organized Play. Links Teos Abadia on the DMs Guild Calimshan Adventurer’s Guide by MT Black Blood Hunter Class for D&D 5e by Matt MORE
Check out Decuma now on Kickstarter! The Golden Lasso Girl Kimi herself is leading Senda and Andi through Decuma, the R&D for your RPG. It’s a tarot-inspired game to help a GM and their players MORE
Show us how you manage transactional complications as a player and as a GM! Phil and Senda talk about setting table expectations, how to use transactional complications effectively, and how to not be a dick MORE
Independent investigation to launch; get Never Unprepared in audiobook form; dicebag giveaway on the Misdirected Mark Forums. Suspension in Place while Investigation is Started On Monday, we announced the suspension of Chris Sniezak’s network activities while we MORE
For those who don’t already know, Misdirected Mark Productions is a member of a three-part collective called “GEM” which also includes the gaming and GM advice blog Gnome Stew and the publishing company Encoded Designs. MORE