BXP 6×10 – Monica and Alex Break Down Setting Design Using Video Games

Bonus Experience

Hello Bonus Babies,

Today I’m joined by friend and colleague Alex Guerrero to discuss how video games utilize narrative and setting design to create a sense of wonder and mystery – and how you can bring that to the table in your own tabletop RPGs!

We discuss:

Good writing and pacing of lore

Creating and fostering mystery while running games

Supporting an action-RPG feel at the table

Using techniques from GMless gaming

Integrating social influence into games

Building lore for your game using other games

Also discussed in the extended cut

  • Monica’s favorite GM sleight-of-hand and the judicious handling of “yes, but”
  • Behind the scenes in trying to close the show
  • WARNING: SPOILERS FOR GENSHIN IMPACT FROM 15:32 to 19:05. They’re called out with a musical bumper so if you don’t want the plot spoiled PLEASE SKIP AHEAD. 

We mention a lot of things we said we would link, so here are quite literally all of them: