BXP 06×01 Monica and D Analyze Resource Management

Bonus Experience

Hello Bonus Babies,

Welcome to Season Six! Rai is retiring from permanent co-host duty so you’re all stuck with me (Monica) and a rotating door of our friends. Fear not, Rai will still join us from time to time. And don’t worry – we remain two queer people speaking with authority about games, and we absolutely will still swear (die mad about it). 

In today’s episode D and Monica sit down to get into the ins and outs of designing good resource management games. We talk about what you need to consider as a designer and break down how you can avoid common pitfalls. We also cite a handful of excellent games you can try that use their resources extremely well. 

In the Extended Cut: 

  • Starting the work day, weird dreams, and a good sandwich
  • Behind the scenes of Scion 2e
  • The mysteries of PEMDAS
  • More fun rules from The Other Side

You can find D’s info here: https://www.daniellelauzon.com/

Check out The Other Side here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/the-other-side