Weekly Misdirected Mark Productions News – March 19, 2023

Summary: This week’s new episodes.

Show Recaps

Here are summaries of new episodes from Misdirected Mark Productions this past week:

MMPlays – CotS AP: Time for Change Part 1
It’s session 1 of the Children of the Shroud. We begin our tale of magical high school swashbuckling drama with a very windy day of school and a song that just won’t quit for poor Gunny. It’s part one of a Time for Change.

Gnomecast #160 – One Bad Player to Make a Change
Today we have myself, Ang, along with Jared and JT. Today we’re going to talk about how one bad player can make you change how you GM, in both good and bad ways.

CONTENT WARNING: There is a conversation about a child predator and potential grooming within this episode. If that’s a trigger for you this might be one you may want to skip.

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You can connect with the network on social media by following @MisdirectedMark on Twitter, subscribing to the Misdirected Mark YouTube channel, and catching our live streams on the Misdirected Mark Twitch channel!

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Other network shows that have their own Patreon campaigns are Bonus Experience and Jianghu Hustle, and you can support Gnomecast by supporting Gnome Stew! Thank you all!