Weekly Misdirected Mark Productions News – June 4, 2023

Summary: This week’s new episodes.

Show Recaps

Here are summaries of new episodes from Misdirected Mark Productions this past week:

MMPlays 018 – Story inside of Combat
Combat one. Combat two. Combat three. Combat four. We want no more. But your game is all about the fight so how do we get everyone having fun when fighting is the primary activity of your game? We put other kinds of moments inside of those fights and make the story happen within the combat mechanics.

Panda’s Talking Games 316 – Playtesting this Title
Show us how you playtest! Phil and Senda talk playtesting (a discussion topic we received from multiple requests). We approach it based on an idealized version of how we’ve playtested games, but also in consideration of playtesting house rules.

Bonus Experience 06×07 – Monica and the Scoundrels Discuss Content Creation
Today Monica is joined by the hosts of the Malifaux podcast, Steampowered Scoundrels, to have a lively discussion about being small content creators in a niche field, being the microest of micro celebrities, having relationships with tabletop game designers, and a lot, and I really mean a lot, of talk about Malifaux. 

THAC0 with Advantage. Stealing from other games
Welcome to THAC0 . . . with Advantage! We’re two friends that have been playing D&D a long time. While we both love lots of other RPGs, D&D lets us take those games into a dark alley and take their stuff.

And take their stuff is exactly what Ang and Jared are doing on this episode as they discuss ways to take mechanics, procedures, and ideologies from other games and bring them to Dungeons and Dragons.

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Other network shows that have their own Patreon campaigns are Bonus Experience and Jianghu Hustle, and you can support Gnomecast by supporting Gnome Stew! Thank you all!