Weekly Misdirected Mark News – May 18, 2019

Bagthulhu Giveaway Photo Contest Almost Over

The Misdirected Mark Bagthulhu giveaway is still underway on Twitter, but the contest ends on Tuesday, May 21st! Check out this tweet for details, get your entry in, and spread the word!

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Camdon

The Kickstarter campaign for Camdon Wright‘s game One Child’s Heart finished with flying colors on Thursday this week. Thanks to all 507 of you who backed the project and helped the campaign reach so many amazing stretch goals.

Also, as was announced on this week’s episode of Misdirected Mark, we’re sad to be saying goodbye to Camdon as a regular host on the show. He’ll still be in town, so look forward to future guest appearances, and we can’t wait to see One Child’s Heart and whatever great projects Camdon brings forward in the future! All the best, Camdon!

Show Recap

Here are summaries of podcast episodes from the Misdirected Mark Network this past week:

Support the Network

If you like what we do here at the Misdirected Mark Network, you can support us by leaving podcast reviews, telling your friends, and rewarding yourself with cool benefits and bonus content by backing our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/mmp!

Other network shows that have their own Patreon campaigns are She’s a Super Geek, Jianghu Hustle, Bonus Experience, and you can support Gnomecast by supporting Gnome Stew! Thank you all!