Headspace is an upcoming Apocalypse powered cyberpunk RPG from Green Hat Designs. In their words: Headspace is a role playing game that explores human emotion, memory and personal identity. The world of Headspace is a MORE
Tag: podcast
9 – One Last Job 2
Episode two of our magical girl One Last Job warp. We join the Rainbow Rangers on the ground floor of the Tokyo Tower, trying to plan how to retrieve the piece of the perfect pearl MORE
BONUS 1: Fool’s Journey Gen Con Special
What is this, a podcast every week?? We interrupt our regular two week rotation to bring you a special Gen Con bonus episode! Senda sat down with Cheyenne of GlitterCats to play Fool’s Journey, a MORE
8 – One Last Job 1
Senda and Emily sit down with James D’Amato, Liz Chaipraditkul, and Terra Snover to play a magical girl warp of Grant Howitt’s One Last Job, a one shot heist RPG where your fellow players build MORE
7 – Witch House 2: To the rescue?
Emily and Senda’s two player extravaganza continues with Witch House from Tao Games, another diceless two player system that pits one brave heroine against an evil witch house that has stolen her boyfriend. In our last MORE
6 – Witch House
Emily and Senda’s two player extravaganza continues with Witch House from Tao Games, another dice less two player system that pits one brave heroine against an evil witch house that has stolen her boyfriend. MORE
4 – Lasers and Feelings – The Doubleclicks and Brian F’n Patterson
Senda lucked in to sitting down with Aubrey and Angela of the Doubleclicks and Brian of d20 Monkey to play their first ever game of Lasers and Feelings at Denver Comic Con. A quick con game … MORE
3 – Smugglers: Fate Accelerated 3
Bartender don’t care. Glitter everywhere. In the thrilling conclusion to our Fate Accelerated game, our heroes discover the location of their contact Brittania in the back rooms of the gambling guild as the citizenry waits MORE
2 – Smugglers: Fate Accelerated 2
We join our smuggling band of flashy misfits as they make their way into the very heart of the gambling guild — the spaceship and goat racing stadium! Can LouLou, Adelaine, and Zachary discover the truth MORE