MMP Call for NB/Gender Fluid Podcast Pitches

We’re looking for show pitches! If you are non-binary or gender fluid, we would like to hear your ideas for a podcast highlighting folx in games, and potentially we’d like to help you make it. Details below.

[Update: We’ve received a lot of great pitches. Thank you everyone who sent in your ideas! If you have not yet sent in your pitch, please send it in before then end of 2019. Thanks!]

[Further update: The call for podcast pitches is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted ideas and interest!]

Hi friends, Senda here. I was recently at Metatopia, and being there was amazing! It also made some things clear to me that Andi and I have been wrestling with for She’s A Super Geek for quite a while now. 

She’s a Super Geek was created as an exclusive space. Not exclusive in listeners, but exclusive in who runs games on our show. We started this show to highlight people who use she/her pronouns as GMs and frequently as designers. As we have continued to work as press in the game industry, we’ve been confronted with many other folx who deserve to have louder voices in games, who have wonderful things to share and voices we want to hear. We’ve talked about adjusting our parameters, and how we could do that without compromising the stand that we started with almost five years ago, and how we could do it while also having some chance of maintaining a safe space for everyone that we expand to include. While we struggled to find a new way to potentially balance, time continued to pass, and we continued to make no changes because we couldn’t pin down a way that felt right to do. 

I had a several experiences at Metatopia that brought this up again. I want to support more than just she/her folx that my show explicitly showcases, but I was stuck thinking about this from the perspective of a podcaster. Andi and I, just the two of us, can’t reliably make spaces for people whose marginalizations or intersections we don’t share. We can try! And we can and should listen and support, but we can’t speak directly to those experiences. 

I am a podcaster, but I am also lucky enough to run this network, Misdirected Mark Productions, with my awesome network partner Rob. And as network owners, we do have the power to make space for new and under represented voices. And that’s where we come to why I am writing this post. 

There are definitely some shows out there that have non-binary hosts—but I think there is space for more. I think this is one of the podcasting places where there is quite a lot of space for more voices. So here’s the deal: we want to hear your pitch for a show that highlights non-binary and gender fluid people. We’re a network for a lot of advanced talk about games, game design and game mastering, but we’re also open to actual play ideas (even just like SASG). We’d like to know a little bit about you and how you verb games, if you have any experience with podcasting or editing, and why it’s exciting to you. 

We want to lower as many barriers as we can, so when we pick a show, we’ll be able to provide equipment for you as the host, manage all of the technical aspects of getting the podcast posted and live, handle the hosting and associated costs, and use the MMP marketing engine to get the word out. We can also talk about editing and how we might manage that depending on the format of the show and the frequency.

If this sounds interesting, we want to hear from you. Please drop us (Senda and Rob) a note at