MM Plays 6 – Time for Change Part 1 (CotS AP)

Welcome to MM Plays. It’s session 1 of the Children of the Shroud. We begin our tale of magical high school swashbuckling drama with a very windy day of school and a song that just won’t quit for poor Gunny. It’s part one of a Time for Change.

This episode uses the following sound and music clips:

  • The Bridge (Horror I) by David Hilowitz is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.
  • Immigrant Song Cover in Old Norse 700 A.D – 1500 A.D (Bardcore or Skäldcore?) Medieval style by the_miracle_aligner
  • “Wind, Realistic, A.wav” by InspectorJ ( of
  • “Jailbars.wav” by Jordishaw of
  • Glow by Burning_Cicada_Ltd. of
  • Analog Alarm Clock by bone666138 of