Join Ang, Jared and Chris as they talk about two common slip ups GMs make while running our games and how to recover from them.
Category: GnomeCast
A bunch of gnomes from the gnome stew get together to talk gaming, game mastering, tabletop games, playing games, and gab about games. It’s a gaming gab off to avoid becoming part of the stew.
Gnomecast #195 – Rob Heinsoo & the Overenthusiastic Fan
Join Jared as he gets together with Rob Heinsoo. In between moments of being an excited and extremely enthusiastic fan, Jared talks to him about 13th Age and all things gaming!
Gnomecast #194 – Multi-table Games
Join Ang, along with guests Carl Lehmann and Alex Thomas where they talk about organizing and running multi-table games! These can be a lot of fun, but require a different kind of organization and coordination.
Gnomecast #193 – GMing for Turtles
Join Ang, Josh, and Phil as they talk about GMing for Turtles. No, not those charming reptiles with a house on their back, but the players that end up not wanting to engage with what you’re putting down in front of them!
Gnomecast #192 – The Art of Pregen Characters
Join Ang, JT, and guest Andy Jaksetic as they talk about the art of pregenerated characters. They cover everything from why you would want pre-made characters to what details you need to give your players.
Gnomecast #191 – Running Factions
Join Ang, Josh, and Tomas as they talk about running factions in your campaigns. Everything from how to create them, how to connect them, and how to use them for your players.
Gnomecast #190 – Beginning Campaigns Comfortably
Ang, Jared and Chris get on the mics to talk about unwinnable scenarios. Why to run them, how to run them, and everything in between!
Gnomecast #189 – Kobayashi Maru: Unwinnable Scenarios
Ang, Jared and Chris get on the mics to talk about unwinnable scenarios. Why to run them, how to run them, and everything in between!
Gnomecast #188 – Imposter Syndrome and RPGs
Ang, Jared and Senda chat about how Imposter Syndrome has affected their relationship with running and playing RPGs along with some ideas on how to navigate through those feelings.
Gnomecast #187 – Learning About the OSR
Ang gets JT and Walt on the mics to learn more about what the OSR (Old School… Renaissance? Revival? Retro? The R varies) actually is. Join us and learn more about this style of roleplaying game.