PTG 382 – New and Returning Players

Show us your tips for new players — and for getting old players back to the table! Phil and Senda talk new players and players returning after a hiatus (for whatever reason). Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find us on the internet or drop us a topic on our MORE

PTG 381 – GM Manipulation

Show us ho GMing is manipulation — or not! Or, how to make sure you’re not doing it by accident or for the wrong reasons. Phil and Senda talk when you might be subconsciously manipulating the table and some ways to dodge it. Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find MORE

PTG 380 – Going from GM to Player

Show us how you go from GM to player — especially if you’re a forever GM! How do you transition your skills and hand over default leadership gracefully? Phil and Senda talk this and also accidentally GM manipulation. Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find us on the internet or MORE

PTG 378 – Playing Characters in Other IPs

Show us how you handle known characters in known IPs (intellectual properties)! Phil and Senda talk characters, setting, and what kind of characters you might be bringing in. Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find us on the internet or drop us a topic on our linktree: Play in MORE

PTG 377 – Book Inspiration

Show us how you take inspiration from the books you’re reading — or really any media? Phil and Senda talk about distilling the experience of reading to various levels of specificity and applying that potential to your game. Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find us on the internet or MORE

PTG 376 – Worldbuilding – To Collaborate or Not

Show us how you world build — and is it collaborative? Phil and Senda talk worldbuilding in quadrants from not collaborative to all collaborative and do you do it alone or as a group (trust me, it makes more sense in the show). Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find MORE

PTG 375 – One on One Games

Show us how you play a one on one game! Phil and Senda talk one on one games and some tips on making them successful. We are back! Bamboo Lounge for Patreon backers today! Find these and more at Find us on the internet or drop us a topic on our shiny new linktree: MORE

PTG 373 – GM Mastery Part II

Show us…Gary Gygax’s tenants of GM Mastery! Phil and Senda go back for one more part on the 1987 book Role-Playing Mastery. Do they stand up to the test of time? Our take is…well, mostly. Also this episode: HOLIDAY HIATUS DATES. We will be taking some time off — but we will be back in MORE